Many would agree that one of the most important inventions of the modern era has been the printing press. A German blacksmith named Johannes Gutenberg was set to profoundly impact the transmission of knowledge with his movable type printing press.
Invented around 1493, Gutenberg’s printing press allows, for the first time in history, manuscripts to be mass-produced at relatively low cost and in a much shorter time.
Between 1452 and 1455, 200 copies of the ‘Gutenberg Bible‘ were printed. Before that it would take a scribe about a year to mansucript a single copy. Much has changed since then in the area of book printing, and modern digital presses can print, collate and bind 200 copies of the Gutenberg Bible in a matter of minutes.
At Print Bureau we qre fully equipped to produce all type of books, booklets, magazines and other multi page publications. We can mass produce at a low cost in our litho presses or simply print a small number of copies in our digital presses.
With a full finishing department at our disposal we can offer our customers a variety of binding options including hardback, perfect binding, saddle stitching, wiro binding and a selection of varnishes and paper oprtions. We can even customise each copy with the use of our state of the art data merging software.
And it is not only the printing… just like the scribes of old, we can put at your disposal the talents of our Graphic Design department that can ‘illuminate’ your publication to make it more than just words…
We know everyone’s book, booklet and magazine printing requirements are different, so why not call us to discuss your project. We’ll advise you regarding everything from design to delivery, and provide you with a quotation for the full job.
Call us today at 01 4733567 or email at for more information about your printing